Sea of Stars: All Sunken Docarri Ruins Puzzles Solved
Publish date: 2024-06-09
Recommended VideosSea of Stars’ Sunken Docarri Suins holds some of the toughest puzzles in the game to solve. Though by now, the game’s mechanics are more than familiar, this set of dungeons is home to the trickiest challenges, and there aren’t even any enemies inside. It’s time to put those brains to work to solve all the Sunken Docarri Ruin puzzles in the game’s final stretch.
Table of ContentsSea of Stars: Sunken Docarri Ruins A Puzzles
Sea of Stars: Sunken Docarri Ruins B Puzzles
Sea of Stars: Sunken Docarri Ruins C Puzzles
Just like before, use the Cobalt Hammer on the bell before the door.
Push the light device on the center-right to the left.Push the light device on the lower left upward and to the right, then upward, right, and downward.Push the mirror on the lower right to the left, upward, and to the left. Then, push this mirror back down and push the previous light device back up.Push the light device on the right center (the one above) to the left and downward. By this point, it should be standing in the same line as the mirror. Push this light device to the left once more and the mirror to the right and upward.Stand on the brown tile below.Related: Sea of Stars: Rainbow Conch Locations & Uses
This should cause the first glyph on the wall to light up.
Push the center right light device to the left, downward, to the right, and downward once more.Push the top left mirror to the right, downward.Push the light device on the lower right to the right, downward, and right once more.Push the mirror device on the lower left to the right, upward, and to the right once more.Stand on the brown tile below.This should cause the second glyph on the wall to light up. Only one more to go.
Push the top right mirror downward, left, and downward.Push the center light device to the left.Push the top mirror device to the right and downward.Push the bottom left mirror device to the right and downward.Push the light device left to this mirror upward.Push the mirror device in the right center to the left.Push the light device in the bottom right to the left, upward, and to the right.Push the mirror device to the center-left downward, and to the right.Push the light device in the top right to the left and downward.Push the mirror in the center-right upward and the mirror next to it to the right, downward, and once more to the right.Push the light device in the center left upward to make way for the bottom left light device, which should be pushed right, upward, and left to reach that position.Stand on the brown tile below.This should cause the third glyph on the wall to light up. Once they’re all solved, grab the Docarri Seal Fragment C.
About the author
Cande Maldonado
Though Cande started her journey in the video game industry as a localization specialist six years ago, she soon realized that her true calling was to annoy NPCS, smash virtual pottery, and complete every side quest available in RPGs. Throwing that useless degree out of the window, she has been writing professionally for the past three years ever since. Her passion for games dates to 2006, when she mounted a Chocobo for the first time. Under Nintendo and Square Enix's chokehold, she will willingly pour hours upon hours into reaching 100% completion in the longest roleplaying games ever made. But hey, who needs fresh air and sunlight when you can just live in Ivalice?