Pokmon GO The Best Great League Team (June 2021)

Publish date: 2024-09-11

Another season of the Pokémon GO Battle League has concluded, which means it’s time for another to start right up. Rather than offering multiple leagues to choose from at once, the Great League is the only one going on here at the start of June. More people may be interested in the Great League than usual too, as Mienfoo has been introduced to the game exclusively as a reward in the Pokémon GO Great League. This is why you will really want to have the best team to rank up and get your own Mienfoo, so we have compiled a list split into three tiers of the best Great League Pokémon for June 2021.

The Best Great League Team (June 2021)

Pokémon GO has multiple variants of the GO League that have been around since it was first introduced, but one of the two most common of them is the Great League. This is the most simplistic of the leagues, with the only requirement being your Pokémon are no more than 1500 CP. With this lower level of CP, the Great League often finds some very interesting Pokemon that you might not expect to be used, so that’s why we have broken down the best Pokémon for Great League down into three tiers for June 2021.

The Pokémon GO Battle League is all about the current meta and matchups, so it’s not just picking the three strongest Pokémon you have at 1500 or under CP. Picking just the top three Pokemon from our list below also isn’t always your best bet, as those are the Pokémon that people will know to try and counter most often. As a result, you’ll want to find the best team with more “Resists against” and less “Weak to” as best you can. This is our Great League tier list for June 2021.

Note: If a Pokémon is marked with (XL) that means means to reach this potential you will need to power it up with Candy XL. They are usually still good choices without the XL candy, but if they are far from the 1500 XP cap you will have to power them up with candy or find other Pokémon to use.

Great League – Tier 1

PokémonTypeFast AttackCharged AttackResists againstWeak to
Medicham (XL)Fighting and PsychicCounterIce Punch or PsychicRock, FightingFairy, Flying, Ghost
Azumarill (XL)Water and FairyBubbleIce Beam or Hydro PumpDragon, Water, Ice, Fire, Fighting, Dark, BugElectric, Grass, Poison
AltariaDragon and FlyingDragon BreathSky Attack or MoonblastGround, Grass, Water, Fire, Fighting, BugIce, Dragon, Fairy, Rock
Galarian StunfiskGround and SteelMud ShotRock Slide or EarthquakePoison, Rock, Electric, Steel, Psychic, Normal, Flying, Fairy, Dragon, BugFighting, Fire, Ground, Water

Great League – Tier 2

PokémonTypeFast AttackCharged AttackResists againstWeak to
SwampertWater and GroundMud ShotHydro Cannon or Sludge WaveSteel, Rock, Poison, Fire, ElectricGrass
Deoxys (Defense)PsychicCounterPsycho Boost or ThunderboltPsychic, FightingBug, Dark, Ghost
Sableye (XL)Dark and GhostShadow ClawFoul Play or ReturnPsychic, Normal, Poison, FightingFairy
Bastiodon (XL)Rock and SteelSmack DownStone Edge or FlamethrowerPoison, Normal, Flying, Rock, Psychic, Ice, Fairy, Dragon, BugFighting, Ground, Water
ScraftyDark and FightingCounterFoul Play or Power-Up PunchDark, Rock, Psychic, GhostFairy, Fighting, Flying
CresseliaPsychicPsycho CutGrass Knot, Future Sight, or MoonblastPsychic, FightingBug, Dark, Ghost
JellicentWater and GhostBubble BeamShadow BallNormal, Fighting, Water, Steel, Poison, Ice, Fire, BugDark, Electric, Ghost, Grass
RegisteelSteelLock OnFlash Cannon or Focus BlastPoison, Steel, Rock, Psychic, Normal, Ice, Grass, Flying, Fairy, Dragon, BugFighting, Fire, Ground
MandibuzzDark and FlyingSnarlFoul Play or Aerial AceGround, Psychic, Grass, Dark, Ghost Fairy, Electric, Ice, Rock

Great League – Tier 3

PokémonTypeFast AttackCharged AttackResists againstWeak to
RegirockRockLock OnStone EdgePoison, Normal, Flying, FireFighting, Grass, Ground, Steel, Water
Diggersby (XL)Normal and GroundMud ShotFire Punch or EarthquakeElectric, Ghost, Rock, PoisonFighting, Ice, Grass, Water
PolitoedWaterMud Shot or BubbleWeather Ball (Water)Water, Steel, Ice, FireElectric, Grass
Lickitung (XL)NormalLickBody Slam or Power WhipGhostFighting
Wobbuffet (XL)PsychicCounterReturn or Mirror CoatFighting, PsychicDark, Ghost, Bug
MachampFightingCounterCross Chop or Rock SlideRock, Dark, BugPsychic, Flying, Fairy
SkarmorySteel and FlyingAir SlashBrave Bird or Sky AttackPoison, Bug, Grass, Psychic, Steel, Normal, Ground, Flying, Fairy, DragonFire, Electric

And that’s our list of the best Pokémon for the Pokémon GO Great League for June 2021.
